
Diary of an NQT: Outweighing the negatives

More behavioural challenges face our NQT diarist this week, but he is focusing on ensuring that the positives outweigh the negatives

Last week I discussed an incident with a student, my response and my anxiety at facing the next lesson with this student.

So, as I promised myself I would, I began the next lesson with this student as I would any lesson. However, they clearly had remembered last lesson and were unwilling to work again.

Unfortunately this meant that I had to hold an after-school detention – something I had hoped to avoid.

I am hoping that the statement of an after-school detention is enough to persuade the student that this behaviour and reluctance to work during my lesson is unacceptable. I am yet to teach this student this week, so it is once again on my mind – I sincerely hope that this is all put to bed now.

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