
Diary of an NQT: Playing the disappointed card

Our NQT diarist realises she has let behaviour slide with one particular class and so delivers a post-half-term lecture to get things back on track...

By the time half-term arrived last month, the kids were exhausted. It was easy to tell that they just needed a week off.

It was especially apparent in one of my weaker year 7 classes. The routines they had got into and stuck to for four months were rapidly unravelling – their behaviour was getting irritating.

At the beginning of the year I made my expectations clear to every class. This seemed to be working well up until a few weeks ago.

I don’t even think I realised quite how lax both they (and I) had got. They would come into the room noisily, call out and ask silly questions and I think I was just too exhausted to care.

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