
Diary of headteacher: When the going gets tough…

As teachers, we have to love our jobs and coming to work – but it can be difficult when times are tough, as our headteacher diarist reflects

As teachers we frequently give out career advice and general guidance on the way of the world to the young people in our schools.
I commonly hear staff at my school talking to students about the importance of achieving well at school so that you have options available to you when you transition to the next phase of your education or career at 16, 18 or 21.

Of course, it’s great advice and I have an assembly that I deliver every year to the year 11 students about the importance of enjoying going to work every day.

I have a great reference point for this, having done some extremely arduous and mind-numbingly boring jobs myself as I worked my way through college and university. These jobs taught me the importance of education and to genuinely value the opportunities afforded to me at school, college and university.

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