
Do teachers need a dress code?

Staff wellbeing
With Sir Michael Wilshaw calling for teachers to wear more formal business attire, Julian Stanley questions the link between appearance and ability to teach.

Imagine: They all line up for their uniform to be inspected. Their ties, skirt lengths and shoes are checked. Once the head is content, they are excused, and the teachers return to their classrooms to do the same for their students.

While students traditionally have been required to wear a uniform, teachers have not, but could that be set to change? There are numerous reports of how Ofsted criticised one school’s teachers for setting a bad example by wearing casual clothes. Meanwhile, Ofsted chief Sir Michael Wilshaw suggests that teachers should wear “business-like attire”. So do teachers need a dress code?

The majority of teachers who responded to a Teacher Support Network survey seem to think so, with two thirds believing that teachers should have a “professional standard of dress”.

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