
Education cuts are looming

School funding and finance
A report from Edinburgh Council could be a precursor to education cuts – a problem facing many areas in Scotland, fears Alex Wood.

In December 2013, the City of Edinburgh Council launched its BOLD team. This wasn’t an initiative to raise levels of courage or audacity among council staff. It was an initiative to achieve Better Outcomes through Leaner Delivery.

Never trust an organisation known by an acronym. Trust it even less if the acronym has no relationship to the actual purpose of the organisation. 

The purpose of the BOLD initiative and of the Council’s BOLD team was simple: to reduce council spending. At that point the target was an eight per cent cut over four years.

The latest report from the BOLD team to all council staff is headed BOLD Business Cases: Delivering a lean and agile council. It spells out what “lean and agile” means.

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