
Election battlelines are drawn

North of the border, there seems to be consensus between the two main parties on education policy. The devil, says Alex Wood, will be in the detail.

It is patently clear that an election is looming. The unusual aspect in Scotland however, is that education is centre stage.

North of the Tweed, the election is a two-horse race, between Labour and the SNP, each battling to define itself with reference to social justice and to differentiate itself from the other despite (except on matters constitutional) little policy to separate them.

Jim Murphy, Labour’s new Scottish leader, is offering a £25 million plan to raise the attainment of Scotland’s poorest children. 

He is proposing a new literacy programme for the early years in Scotland’s poorest 20 secondaries and their associate primaries. Additional specialist teachers would be recruited. Parents would be targeted as well as young people. A new focus would also be on looked-after children.

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