
Glad to be the age I am...

Senior leadership
There are two things that keep our headteacher diarist awake at night – the budget and decisions about permanent exclusions. She has had to face both of these recently...

You can tell when we get past Easter; the exam years building up to the final push, staff seemingly ever available to the majority who are seeking to squeeze every ounce from their preparation, the minority who finally “get it” and realise the importance of what we have been saying when it’s almost too late, year 7 showing signs of greater maturity but also less tiredness as they become acclimatised to life in a very large secondary school, and then there are the staff who keep everything going.

This is the time of year when the teaching staff are being pulled from pillar to post – getting in grades to the boards, teaching, timetabling, planning for next year, as well as keeping themselves going after what, for us, has been an incredibly tough year. 

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