
Why am I feeling so negative?

Senior leadership
After some downbeat diary entries of late, our headteacher diarist discusses why it is that she has been feeling so negative in recent months.

When I submitted my last diary entry to the editor, I actually apologised because the subjects of my recent entries had been distinctly grumpy. I promised to try and be more positive.

This set me thinking about why I had been feeling so negative in recent months. I realised that at least part of the reason was that I am unable to recall the last time that our profession was represented in the national media in a positive light. 

Instead there seems to be almost daily “school-bashing” by politicians or Ofsted. One recent example is the blame for last summer’s English marking fiasco being laid firmly at teachers’ doors because they were marking too leniently – yet surely effective moderation by the exam boards would have mitigated for the odd lapse of generosity. 

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