
Into the lion’s den at parents' evening

Our NQT diarist discovers the joy of the pre-parents' evening lesson as her students aim to impress. She also picks up some pointers on handling those trick questions that parents can ask.

An odd thing happened this week to my year 10s. At first it was just a subtle change in their behaviour; they were friendlier somehow, more dedicated to completing tasks, more engaged and keen to share their answers.

Could it be, after all my blood, sweat and anguish, after the tears and the late nights, tossing and turning and wondering how to help them identify and articulate congruence in triangles, that they had finally seen the light? 

Was the topic sinking in at long last? Had the new AfL technique I trialled last week stirred them to such great heights of motivation and determination that they were now ready to push themselves to the ends of the earth and back again in order to achieve true greatness?

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