
Let's get physical

Teaching staff
Your first four actions could well dictate everything. Get the first four steps wrong and your class isn't going to "take the journey with you". Your authority will be shot to bits.

Do you?

If not, you’d better. It may already be too late. You may already be forever toast. After four weeks? Surely not? Afraid so. After four minutes even! Yikes! Who says? An expert. Another one. An expert of Body Language, Dr Sean Neill of Warwick University. Your first four actions, says he, could well dictate everything. He’s done the research. Get the first four steps wrong and your class isn’t going to “take the journey with you”. Your authority will be shot to bits. Irretrievably.

Perhaps other Body Language Gurus can help – like James Williams of Charles Darwin School. James embraces a Darwinian mode of behaviour management. His degree is in The Bleedin’ Obvious. Look well ‘ard, speak real slow, look confident, stand straight, shoulders back and “own the classroom”. When you walk into the classroom remember “it is your domain, not theirs”. Absolutely. Journalist Helen Ward concurs. “Strut in like John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever,” says Helen, and you’ll have the tots in thrall.

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