
Living in times of innovation

How do we innovate? Amanda Peck proposes a simple model ― based around the effective management of 'change' and 'risk'.

Almost everywhere you turn and seemingly everything you read refers to “our education system being in a time of great change”. It undeniably is, but is this really a state so foreign to those of us embedded in the educational landscape? 

Wasn’t it the late, great Professor Ted Wragg who was famously quoted as saying “if you stand still long enough in education, you become an innovator” – how profound!

Governments come and governments go, as do their ministers, advisors and policies. Most new reforms have an uncanny resemblance to previous and long-since retired initiatives. 

I ask you, is there any other public sector organisation that has managed, coped and even excelled through such a protracted era of flux than the school? Perhaps those in the NHS would disagree, but from what I have observed these last 20 years, it would be a close-fought thing.

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