
Looking back at 2014

Staff wellbeing
Julian Stanley looks at some of the challenges we faced during 2014 and looks ahead to 2015.

When same-sex marriage was given royal assent in February, it marked a momentous step forward for equality. However, as our LGBT survey revealed last year there remains a worrying picture of entrenched homophobia in schools, among teachers and students. 

More than two-thirds of staff told us they had witnessed homophobic harassment, while a similar figure said were not adequately prepared to teach same-sex marriage or LGBT issues to their pupils.

One of Nicky Morgan’s first actions as the new education secretary was creating a £2 million fund to tackle homophobic bullying in schools. This is an important step in the right direction. The focus on LGBT policy in schools has tended to be on students, but we hope to work with gay rights charity Stonewall this year to support more teachers.

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