
Priorities for a new Parliament

Staff wellbeing
What education challenges face the incoming government after next week’s General Election, asks Julian Stanley

A week today polling will open in one of the most uncertain General Elections in a generation. As such, it is a good time to reflect on the last five years in education and the next five to come.

When the Conservative-Lib Dem coalition took up office in 2010, the schools budget was not saved in real terms from the austerity agenda with many consequences, not least a severe lack of funding for CPD for staff across all phases of their career.

Former education secretary Michael Gove’s flagship policy changes included sweeping curriculum reforms and the roll-out of free schools and more academies, which came with new rules to allow unqualified teachers. One of the most controversial policies under the outgoing Parliament has been the forced academisation of failing schools, which emerging analysis shows has not been as effective in raising standards as was hoped.

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