
Mr Strict, Miss Gossip and Mr Cool

From Mr Strict to Miss Gossip, and Mr Cool to Miss Best Friend, our NQT diarist is discovering the various characters that seemingly populate every staffroom...

Although to many outside of the profession we are all lumped together as simply “teachers”, I am certain that it is the many variations of character working under the same roof that make my school such an interesting place in which to learn my trade.

As I enjoy the luxury of a coffee at breaktime, I look around the staffroom and see these characters staring back at me as we work each other out – the new and the experienced. I begin to wonder whether I have perceived them correctly...

Mr Strict – the one you always hear shouting at children across the corridor and who many parents complained about on target-setting day. The children seem to come to my lesson in a foul mood after having him for the previous period.

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