
Tassa's story – a warning to all teachers

Staff wellbeing
Following the release of figures showing that teacher morale is at a new low, Julian Stanley looks at one teacher's story which perhaps gives an indication as to some of the contributing factors.

I had hoped to start this column in 2013 with something positive, yet even before the celebrations were over, the National Union of Teachers (NUT) told us that morale among teachers is “dangerously low” and has “declined dramatically in recent months”.

At the end of last year, 55 per cent of teachers polled by the NUT said their morale was low or very low, a 13 per cent increase from April 2012.

The NUT suggests a variety of factors for this decline – 71 per cent said that they rarely or never felt trusted by the government, while 76 per cent said cuts and austerity measures were having a negative impact on some or most children and their families.

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