
The Corporate Kids

Teaching staff
I have seen the future of education and it’s corporate. It’s a 7th year pupil in a silly suit, incurious, industrious, obsequious and going on 37. The Corporate Kid, a grim mix of Dickens’ Bitzer and the Leadership Group.

I have seen the future of education and it’s corporate. It’s a 7th year pupil in a silly suit, incurious, industrious, obsequious and going on 37. The Corporate Kid, a grim mix of Dickens’ Bitzer and the Leadership Group. It’s what the prime minister seems to want – “hard-working people”, fit for the global race, who must “earn or learn” – or fail or starve or move to Burnley or sell skunk or clean chimneys or get put in stocks or quietly shot. 

Whatever. It’s no good old gits like me cursing. I must embrace this thrusting, cutting-edge, mission-visioning, blue-sky thinking, jargon-croaking, big-upping, self-helping, post-industrial, post-compassion and past-caring global market place. Or be toast, as my headteacher observed, when he handing me the brown envelope with the bullet.

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