
When headteachers change

Teachers like their routines and dealing with change can be hard – especially when that change is your very own headteacher. Our NQT diarist tells us how she's coping.

Spring is a time to celebrate new beginnings. At our school we have just experienced a particularly significant new beginning – we have a new headteacher.

I know to some schools this may not seem like a very big deal at all; from what I hear on the grapevine there are some schools which are lucky to hold on to a headteacher for more than a term.

Ours is not one of those schools. We have a history of long-serving heads dedicated to improving the education of young people. Take a stroll down the school corridors and you might be forgiven for thinking that you had stumbled into Hogwarts by mistake; their portraits hang grandly, watching over us generation after generation. 

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