After almost nine years of the Pupil Premium, this Headteacher Update event – taking place on Friday, March 27 – will be looking back at the wealth of evidence that has now been published about how schools can best support their most disadvantaged pupils.

Leading the morning keynote will be Education Endowment Foundation CEO Professor Becky Francis, who has spent her recent career immersed in the research evidence that schools need to guide effective Pupil Premium spending.

The keynote will consider what we have learnt in these past nine years about what works with our most disadvantaged pupils. It will look at what the evidence-base tells us about what works and what doesn’t, both in terms of value for money and achieving maximum pupil progress.

The day includes a second keynote led by the National Education Trust’s Marc Rowland – author of A Practical Guide to the Pupil Premium. Marc will discuss the lessons he has learned from his work with schools and others across England. This will include practical insights and reflections on whole-school strategies and classroom-level practice, including from his recent work to create a Pupil Premium toolkit for schools in Essex.

The day will then offer delegates a choice of 12 workshops – primary, secondary and cross-phase – focused on in-school practice, case studies, specific initiatives, interventions and other innovations. All speakers have been asked to focus on practical strategies that can be adapted and adopted for your school’s unique circumstances.

The event takes place at the NEC in Birmingham on Friday, March 27. Delegate places costs £299. An early bird rate of £269 is available until February 14.