
Diary of a Headteacher: Leading during difficult times

Times – and budgets – are tough. But if the headteacher is emitting tones of doom and gloom then they risk this permeating through the rest of their team...

The honour of leading a school is a responsibility I take very seriously and I feel fortunate to be able to positively influence so many young people as well as professional colleagues on a daily basis.

But it is no secret that headship is hard. Really hard. And in an education system that still remains at the behest of a high-stakes, high-accountability culture, headship can easily be viewed as a hiding to nothing.

As headteachers, are we really just one set of results away from the sack? Is it genuinely that cut-throat? In some schools or trusts it is, but in many institutions the culture is being driven by love, not fear.

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