
Diary of a headteacher: We have got to be protected…

Are you preparing your "exit plan" from headship? Our headteacher diarist says more must be done to protect headteachers from the pressure and strain of school leadership

I recently attended a regional meeting for headteachers which is organised within our county each half-term.

I have been attending these meetings for five years now and they always provide a useful source of information through various national experts, speakers and consultants who attend.

They are also excellent opportunities to forge relationships with local headteachers who are invariably experiencing the same challenges I am facing.

As I looked around the room I saw an abundance of experience, a wealth of talent and an admirable approach from my colleagues who are always striving for a better education for the children in our schools.

However, one of sad realities of our education system is that some of these impressive individuals may be removed from their roles at the end of this year if their results do not stack up. The accountability system in our country is driving this reality and while there might be some positive movements in the right direction with the incoming Ofsted framework, that alone will not fix the problem.

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