
Diary of an NQT: Reflective but not overly critical

It is important to be self-reflective but not overly critical if we are to let work go at the end of the day, as our NQT diarist has found out to his cost

Like any job, teaching consists of good days and bad days. Last Friday was my first bad day since starting my new post and this had a big, negative impact on the enjoyment of the weekend and the days that followed.

There were myriad reasons for me feeling this way. I had dealt with a few behaviour incidents during the day and was not entirely satisfied with how I had handled some of them.

For instance, there is a small group of boys in my tutor group whose behaviour has deteriorated recently.

When these boys turned up to form time five minutes late on Friday morning, I took them outside of the classroom to discuss the situation, one of them responded disrespectfully and I lost my temper. The boy responded in kind, causing the situation to escalate into an argument.

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