
Diary of an NQT: Developing as a teacher

After handling a challenging behaviour incident well, our NQT diarist is beginning to see how they have developed as a teacher since September

As I write this, it is the second day back after half-term and we definitely haven’t started back by easing ourselves in – do we ever?!

It is all go at the moment. Annual Review Day (mentioned in my diary last week) is taking place shortly, the school’s inter-house Eisteddfod competition is only a few weeks away, the second round on controlled assessment for year 10 has started, and it is end of module tests for year 9.

All this while quietly noting that year 11 has around nine weeks left in school, which only actually equates to about 15 lessons. There is still content from the final chemistry module to teach and then we need to make sure we get some much-needed revision in, all before they leave us in May.

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